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JENTIS Cookies

JENTIS is a first-party data and server-side focused platform. The tag management and capture of consistent data relies on cookies and local storages. Some cookies are only set if you configure their respective tools, and some are set by default. In this article, you will find a complete list of cookies that are set by our service when using JENTIS:

JENTIS Cookies

When the JENTIS Code Snippet is implemented on a website, cookies are set according to one of the following conditions:

  • After user actively grants consent to any installed tool in your JENTIS Platform


  • Consent administration is turned off (you have actively turned off the link between your Consent Management Platform and JENTIS vendors)


  • If a single tool’s vendor is configured with JENTIS Essential Mode and consent is actively granted/denied by the website visitor (users decision is awaited)


  • A single tool's vendor is configured with “No Consent” (decision of user is not awaited)

It’s important to remember that even though the JENTIS Cookie might be set before the user’s decision is considered, the tags will be fired according to your configuration on the JENTIS Platform. And, as a fully server-side and first-party data platform, no third-party cookies will ever be set on your user’s browser.

Based on the conditions above, the following cookies are set:

Cookie Name




The JENTIS first party identifier (User-ID).

2 Years


The JENTIS session identifier (Session ID).

30 Minutes


Activates the JENTIS-Debug-Log function for developers (only set in Preview Mode for JTM users and developers).

1 Year

JENTIS Storage (Local/Session)

These browser storages are read and written when the JENTIS Code Snippet is implemented on a website:

Storage Name


Storage of Consent-Vendors and JENTIS Consent-ID Settings.


Storage of the ID-Relation between the different collected Document-Types.


Activates the JENTIS-Debug-Log function for developers
(only set in Preview Mode for JTM users and developers).


Storage of JENTIS-Debug ID
(only set in Preview Mode for JTM users and developers).


A flag that indicates either if this is an ongoing session or not (boolean), the value is either “true” or “false”.

You can configure the maximum lifetime for cookies and local storage entries set by JENTIS. Read Maximum Storage Lifetime .

Tool Specific Cookies

JENTIS has multiple tools and configurations available. Those vary based on your individual configuration and the tools and tags you intend to use. Certain tags and tools may set cookies according to that tool's configuration. On each Tool documentation, you can understand which cookies and data storages will be used for that tool individually: JTM Tools

Read Next

JENTIS Tags: Server-side, Client-side and Hybrid

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us through our Helpdesk.

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