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Maximum Storage Lifetime

This feature allows users to configure the maximum lifetime for cookies and local storage entries set by JENTIS. Once a data entry's configured lifetime has expired, it will either be automatically removed by the browser (cookies) or removed by our script the next time a user accesses it (local storage).

The Maximum lifetime can be configured on three levels:

  • Default set by JENTIS (730 days / 2 years)

  • Global Default Customer setting, which is applicable for all containers of the JENTIS account

  • Container level setting

We will always use the most specific setting when calculating the maximum lifetime. The lifetime limit is applied as soon as you publish your configuration.

Important to note that this functionality only works with the JENTIS wrapper scripts that are provided with the JENTIS Web SDK.

    "name": "test-lifetime-cookie",
    "value": "test-lifetime-cookie",
    "exdays": 1000,
    "sameSite": "Strict"

    "name": "test-lifetime-server-cookie",
    "value": 'test-lifetime-server-cookie',
    "exdays": 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,

window.jentis.helper.setLocalStorageItem("test-lifetime-localstorage", "test-lifetime-localstorage", 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

const cookie = window.jentis.helper.readCookie('test-lifetime-cookie');
const serverCookie = window.jentis.helper.readCookie('test-lifetime-server-cookie');
const localStorage = window.jentis.helper.getLocalStorageItem("test-lifetime-localstorage");

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us through our Helpdesk.

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