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JENTIS Platform and Privacy

JENTIS Platform is based on privacy by design principles and offers flexible configuration options. The following simplified overview lists features that help to adequately address regulatory framework, proactively solve problems with “broken” customer journeys, effectively prevent loss of data attributed to ad-blockers and tracking protection mechanisms, as well as adequately address the quality of captured online data. For detailed information on core system components see Product information.

JENTIS Platform is centered around first-party data capture and server-side tracking:

  • This technology replaces traditional (third party) tag management by mirroring user sessions on the JENTIS server (twin browser technology).

  • JENTIS Platform allows companies to capture and process data in a legally compliant way, customizing and differentiating data streams for first party use as well as modification and downstream transfer of data to third party tools.

  • JENTIS first-party data capture process effectively addresses ad blockers and tracking prevention scripts, increasing the quality of data collection. 

  • With JENTIS companies gain full control over their data, empowering companies to manage data on their own terms  (data sovereignty).

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