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Use Variables in Tool Configuration

Currently, tool account settings, which can be modified in the tool edit view, only support static values and cannot be dynamically configured using variables. To address this limitation, a solution has been proposed to enable dynamic value assignment:

Every tool constant must be assigned to a placeholder within the Tag Edit View of the corresponding tool. To address this issue, you need to locate the placeholder containing the tool constant and replace it with a dynamic variable. Ideally, this can be done efficiently using the Multi-Tag Edit View, allowing you to search through all existing tags and substitute the tool constant with the new dynamic variable, such as a lookup table.

📘 Instructions

To make a tool constant dynamic, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to “Server Tag Manager > Tags”.

  2. Click on “Multi Tag Edit”.

  3. Select the corresponding tool for which you want to change the tool constant to a dynamic value.

  4. Select all tags associated with that tool.

  5. Locate the placeholder containing the tool constant and replace its value for all selected tags with a dynamic option, such as a lookup table.

  6. Click “Update Tags” to apply the changes."

If you create additional tags in the future, the placeholder will once again contain the old value of the tool constant. This means that after creating a new tag, you will need to use the Multi-Tag Edit feature again to update this value. However, the process will be simpler, as the Multi-Tag Edit feature will automatically suggest replacing the old value with the dynamic variable.

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