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JENTIS and Content Security Policies

In the realm of web development, ensuring the security and integrity of your site has never been more crucial. Content Security Policies (CSP) stand at the forefront of defensive strategies, offering a robust layer of protection against a wide range of web security threats, including cross-site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. This article delves into the integration of CSP with a first-party, server-side tag management and data capturing solution: JENTIS DCP.

Understanding First-Party, Server-Side Tag Management

A first-party, server-side tag management solution involves managing and serving web tags directly from your own infrastructure, as opposed to relying on third-party providers. This method aligns with the principle of minimizing external dependencies, thereby enhancing both performance and security. By hosting tag management on a subdomain of the main domain, all HTTP(S) requests are treated as first-party, significantly reducing the risk of data leakage and third-party vulnerabilities.

With a DNS A record set for your JENTIS infrastructure and each individual container (see DNS Setup ) you have taken the first step to this level up in data security and privacy.

CSP and First-Party Solutions

Content Security Policies are instrumental in defining which resources are allowed to load and execute in the context of a web page, effectively mitigating the risk of malicious content injection. Implementing CSP with a first-party tag management system simplifies the specification of policies, as the number of external sources is inherently reduced. The primary domain and its subdomains can be whitelisted, streamlining CSP management and minimizing potential points of failure.

Considerations for Implementing CSP with First-Party Solutions

When adopting a first-party approach to tag management in conjunction with CSP, several key considerations arise:

Domain Considerations: Ensure that the CSP explicitly allows resources from the main domain and its subdomains. This is crucial for maintaining the functionality of the tag management system while adhering to security policies.

Managing Inline Scripts and Style Elements: Inline scripts and styles can pose a challenge for CSP implementation. Utilize CSP directives like 'unsafe-inline' judiciously and consider adopting cryptographic nonces or hashes to securely allow inline elements.

Best Practices for CSP with First-Party Tag Management

To effectively leverage CSP with a first-party server-side tag management solution, consider the following best practices:

Develop Secure, Flexible CSP Policies: Strive for policies that are both secure and adaptable, allowing for necessary exceptions without exposing vulnerabilities.

Continuous Monitoring and Updating: Regularly review and update your CSP and tag management configurations to respond to emerging threats and changing requirements.

Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test your CSP implementation across different scenarios to ensure compatibility and security, utilizing tools designed for CSP evaluation and debugging.

CSP Setup Requirements with JENTIS

When configuring Content Security Policies (CSP) for your domain (ie. to work seamlessly with your server-side tag management system hosted on a subdomain (ie., the focus will be on ensuring that communication between your main site and the subdomain is explicitly allowed. Here are the elements you need to whitelist in your CSP

Connect Source

To enable HTTP POST requests (or any AJAX requests) to your JENTIS containers subdomain (ie. for capturing data and events, you will need to whitelist this subdomain in the connect-src directive of your CSP. This directive controls which endpoints the browser can connect to using script interfaces. You’ll find your individual subdomain within the according container settings in your JENTIS DCP (see JENTIS Accounts and Containers ).

Content-Security-Policy: connect-src 'self';

Here, 'self' allows requests to the same origin (i.e., any URL that matches the domain from which the document was served), and explicitly allows connections to your tag management system. A wildcard is a viable option in all cases with your main domain.

Script Source

As your JENTIS data capturing configuration involves executing scripts hosted on the according containers domain (ie., you'll need to include this subdomain in the script-src directive. This directive controls the sources from which scripts can be loaded.

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self';


Integrating Content Security Policies with a first-party, server-side tag management solution presents a strategic approach to enhancing web security. With JENTIS Data Capture Platform and hosting the according tag management within the main domain, you can significantly streamline CSP management, reduce reliance on external sources, and fortify your site against a wide array of security threats. As the web continues to evolve, adopting these practices is paramount for developers and organizations aiming to safeguard their online presence.

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