The data capture and load process of JENTIS centers around the submission of data to partners and networks. This involves setting up rules and configurations that dictate when to send what data to which partner. Tags play a crucial role in this process by enabling detailed configuration of individual parameters and values to be transmitted to the intended data recipient.
JENTIS Tag Manager allows for flexible and scalable tag configurations, enabling multiple setups in one configuration.
Every tag in your JENTIS account consists of the following parts:
Tool: Select a tool you previously created that will hold global configurations for this tag.
Template: JENTIS includes templates for tags that cover use cases per tool, ie. the “pageview” template for Google Analytics.
Trigger: Every Tag references a trigger that defines conditions on when to actually activate a tag and submit data to a recipient.
Field Configuration: Here you will define every parameter that needs to be mapped to a value that will be submitted to the recipient.
Tag Creation Process
Navigate to the Server Tag Manager section in the main navigation.

In the list of all tags configured in your account you have now the option to create a new tag (clicking on the "Add New Tag"-button, located at the lower right corner of the screen).
Every tag needs a name. A common syntax is to use the tool name combined with the template or event description, ie. “Google Analytics – Pageview”.
Additionally every tag is associated with a tool (that you previously created). This way any tag can access global configuration parameters and re use those values.

Templates follow a tools data schema to capture data. For Google Analytics in this example the given templates follow GAs data model of Pageviews, Events and enhanced Ecommerce Tracking. Each JENTIS Tag Template will provide a different tag runtime and configuration options in the next steps.

The actual configurations of a tags parameters and their respective values is defined in the next step: “Configure Template”. Here you can define parameters values according to a template. Later this setup can be changed and adjusted.

The last step is now to also select a trigger that will activate this tag newly configured.

Tag configuration in detail
Mapping parameters of a tag to data references (variables) is key to receive the right data. All tools have custom parameters that fit their interface protocol (API) which is one side of the table. On the other side is your JENTIS configuration that holds all the values that you implemented for tracking (JENTIS Data Layer, fetching data dynamically or calculating and enriching data). So the job is to bring both sides together by mapping the tools fields to values of variables available to your JENTIS Tag Manager.
In every tag the JENTIS Tag Template provides individual configurations to provide a given parameter (ie. “Page Title” for Google Analytics if it is a Pageview-tag or an Event Category if it is an event type hit). Now you can select any JENTIS Tag Manager Variable value to submit it as the tag is triggered and hence data streaming is activated.

You can select any variable that you manually configured previously (as a data source) or that is by default available in JENTIS Tag Manager. All JENTIS integrations start with a rich set of default variables to work with.
How to:
add a variable to a field: simply click the "+" icon to open the variable selection modal
apply order of elements: drag & drop elements in place as required
apply functions on elements: drag & drop a variable into a function-box
add static text string: either CTRL+left-mouse-click (CMD+lft-mouse-click) to open text-input or add a text-input in the Variable Selector
delete elements: either SHIFT+left-mouse-click or right-mouse-click the element and select the “trash”-icon
more options: right-mouse-click an element to get a context-menu of an element
Some templates have the option to combine tags into a single stream. The sender tag will allow you to select the best option in a use case with different tag options.
Tools like Google Universal Analytics have the option to submit ecommerce-data on different transport-methods (either in a pageview or event hit type). To respect this options the sender tag selection is available to you in JENTIS Tag Manager.
When selecting a certain sender tag option the configuration mask could slightly change. Opening up new parameters with a certain sender-option.
Elements in JENTIS are flexible in terms of customization. You can even edit all the default settings of tags, triggers, variables, etc.
This flexibility brings a new icon to the interface, so that you can see which parts are customized and which are on default settings:

This indications help you to see where an element is receiving updates and which elements will remain as they are, as they are customized and are not receiving updates.
Essential Mode Tag Configuration
With the Essential Mode enabled in your JENTIS Tag Manager you will get new configuration options in a tag.
Now a tag has two columns for each tag field configuration. The following toggle-button will show/hide the settings (this button is not activating any functionality but simply a visual element to the UI):

Each value of a parameter can be treated according to the consent of a user. Instead of configuring a tag twice (with two different triggers that act on consent and without) this makes each tag configuration more convenient. Simply select all parameters that must be anonymized or pseudonymised in the “Essential Mode Value” column.
Extendable Parameters
Some configurations have extendable parameters, like an index based dimension value.