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JENTIS Essential Mode

JENTIS Essential Mode enables your tracking to be exactly catering your websites privacy requirements. Consent and justification of data processing is respected in terms of different tools and levels, such as the use of audience reach measurement that may operate on anonymized data with legitimate interest. It is up to you and your requirements on measurement how you want data streams to operate. In which cases to anonymize data and run a tool with the right justification (legitimate interest, legal requirement, etc) or in which cases a consent must be granted.

In this guide we will describe the technical terms and settings in JENTIS Tag Manager to achieve a fully justification aware tracking (with or without consent, depending on what data is processed and which purposes achieved). And which options you have to customize the defaults.

Please be aware that this only covers technical functionalities of integration and is not in any terms a legal assessment or consulting.

Data Persistence and Identifier Basics in JENTIS

When JENTIS is installed on a website it will immediately set a user identifier to recognize multiple events (ie. “pageviews”) from the same client (a website visitors browser software). This is a (first party) cookie-based technology and the details on that topic are found here: JENTIS Cookies

By default the JENTIS user id cookie is set automatically when the JENTIS code snippet is loaded on the website. This behavior is not natively connected to consent informations and can not be changed as this cookie is mandatory for JENTIS software to operate.

Any further data stream and tracking can be utilized with fully anonymized data that is not linkable to each other. For example we can generate a random value as a client id for Google Analytics or pseudonymize that value, so it will not be random on every single hit but will be consistent (the value will be hashed in this hypothetical scenario). All options are available to your fingertips. More technical details on the anonymization and pseudonymization functions can be found here: Anonymization Pseudonymization Functions

Another very important topic is the definition on data queues and setups where consent based decisions in data streams are applied even before a website visitor interacted with a consent management tool or banner. This is covered in a different section as it would blow up the scope of this guide. Please find more info here: NoConsent-Mode Data Stream Options

Essential Mode Setup

There are three steps in the configuration of the Essential Mode in JENTIS.

  1. The foundation is the definition what variables (parameter values) are PII (personally identifiable information).

  2. Next step is to activate the Essential Mode for individual tools in JENTIS Tag Manager.

  3. Last but not least you can customize the settings of the Essential Mode in each tag individually.

PII Definition

This step is optional, but it can be convenient to first set this setting per variable (and the later tags will automatically set the right configuration by default).

Every single data point in JENTIS Tag Manager has a toggle switch to set the foundation on the most detailed level: per variable.

If a variable is considered to handle PII-data you must set this to “true”.

Please apply this to all variables to make sure every use case is covered.

Activate Essential Mode

To activate the Essential Mode per tool you have to navigate to the "Legal Hub" section in the main menu. Select here the list of vendors. For each tools vendor you can define the consent setting as applicable:

The options you have are:

  • Consent Mode: tools related to this vendor will activate only when consent from the user was received.

  • Essential Mode: you have the option to apply a split configuration in each tag of this vendors tools. A version for consent given and a different version when consent is denied.

  • No Consent Mode: this tool will activate straight away without considering the consent.

Customize Tags Essential Mode Settings

Now that the JENTIS Essential Mode is active for your tool you can customize those settings per each parameter in all tags of this tool.

The tag editor view will now display for this tags a second column in the parameter definition. You can customize those settings individually per each parameter of that tool. The default will anonymize all variables that are marked as PII in all tags.

You can select the parameters values to be different in Essential Mode, ie. apply a function to fully anonymize the variable value or pseudonymize it (it will remain same for a single user).

Next Steps

Now that we have the basics covered, how about discussing the actual configuration to customize what data is send at what event. Talking about Essential Mode Data Stream Options .

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