Internal Search Tracking
If the visitor successfully performs a search, you can track the following informations on the search results page.
Prerequisite: Product Datalayer Pushes per Product from all products found by the search
Trackingcommand: “search”
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Example |
group | A meaningfull groupname for the search | string | no | global site search |
term | The search input term | string | yes | chair |
countresults | The number of search results | int | no | 158 |
source | If there are different search available on the page, you can differentiate between them by using the source property f.e. headersearch, subsidiarysearch, facetsearch, … | string | no | headersearch |
goal | The pagetype of the search result page f.e. productlist, cms-page, product-detail-page, … | string | no | productlist |
"track": "search",
"group": "global site search",
"term": "chair",
"countresults": 144,
"source": "headersearch",
"goal": "productlist"