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JENTIS Data Layer - Data Model Reference

This section provides an in-depth understanding of how the data layer operates within JENTIS, serving as a critical component for managing and capturing data effectively. Whether you're new to JENTIS or seeking to enhance your understanding of its capabilities, this documentation will guide you through the essential concepts and functionalities of the data layer.

What is the Data Layer?

The data layer in JENTIS Data Capturing acts as a pivotal bridge between the front-end user interface and the back-end server/database infrastructure. It facilitates the seamless exchange and management of data across your applications and platforms, ensuring consistency and reliability in data capture and integration processes.

The foundation of getting started with data capturing in JENTIS is explained in this basics guides:

Key Features and Capabilities of the JENTIS Data Layer

1. Data Capture

The JENTIS data layer excels in capturing various forms of user interaction data, such as clicks, form submissions, and other events occurring within web pages or applications. By accurately capturing these interactions, JENTIS enables businesses to gather comprehensive insights into user behavior and engagement.

2. Data Standardization with a Tool-Agnostic Approach

Standardization of data formats and structures is crucial for seamless integration and compatibility across different platforms and systems. JENTIS data layer ensures that all captured data adheres to predefined standards, thereby enhancing interoperability and simplifying data management processes.

3. Integration with Third-Party Tools

JENTIS data layer seamlessly integrates with a wide array of third-party tools and platforms. This integration capability allows businesses to consolidate data from multiple sources, enabling comprehensive analysis and reporting for informed decision-making. For example with using the JENTIS Raw Data tool, which, when configured in your account, can capture all the data received in your data layer.

5. Customization and Flexibility

JENTIS data layer offers extensive customization options to tailor data capture and management strategies according to specific business requirements. This flexibility empowers businesses to adapt and optimize their data handling processes effectively.

Benefits of Using JENTIS Data Layer

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: By capturing and standardizing data at its source, JENTIS ensures high levels of accuracy and reliability.

  • Improved Decision-Making: Access to comprehensive and well-organized data enables businesses to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions.

  • Scalability and Efficiency: JENTIS scalable architecture and efficient data handling capabilities support businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises.

Getting Started

To begin utilizing JENTIS data layer effectively, refer to our comprehensive user guides and tutorials available in the documentation. Explore the various features and functionalities offered by the data layer to harness the full potential of data-driven insights within your organization.

The first step is always to track a pageview, as it is also included in the basic code snippet of your JENTIS container ():

Or you want to explore custom data layer definitions for your integration:

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