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Anonymization & Pseudonymization Functions

Anonymization and pseudonymization functions are available in all JENTIS Tag Manager accounts. The following guide will give you an outlook on when to use which function and display its purposes.

All transformation functions expect a single input parameter that is to be processed to generate an output. For more details on transformation function basics please see the manual: Functions (Transformation)


Input Parameter Type: String

The input parameter value will be exchanged to create a random value with a similar syntax as the input value. The replacement is on a character per character basis. Where each unicode character is replaced with a character of the same group. The groups are derived from the public "General Category Values" as of (

The value generated in this function will be persisted per each tool on the serverside runtime. So if you apply this same pseudonymization function in a single tool (Facebook, Google Analytics, etc) on the same input value in different tags (pageviews, events, etc), this output will remain consistent.


  • input: "" (IPv4 value) - output: "987.654.32.01"

Explanation: the output value is not a valid IP-address (following the general specification of IP addresses), it is a randomly generated value where the structure of characters is derived from the input to create a similar output. It will be created at random. The number of characters will remain the same (please note in the example that the output still has the same count of characters per ip-octet section).

Output Parameter Type: String


Input Parameter Type: String

The input parameter value will be exchanged to create a random value with a similar syntax as the input value.

The same rules apply as with the pseudonymization function. However the generated value is never preserved and is generated on each instance anew. So the output can never be linked to any other data.

Output Parameter Type: String

IP Anonymization

For IP Anonymization specifically, we have 4 functions:

  • Randomize last IP-Section

  • Randomize the last 2 IP-Sections

  • Randomize the last 3 IP-Sections

  • Randomize all the IP-Sections

Input Parameter Type: String (valid IPv4 address)

The input parameter value will be exchanged to create a random value with valid IPv4 syntax as the input value. Depending on which function you choose, parts of the IP address will be anonymized.

Output Parameter Type: String (valid IPv4 address)

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