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Activate Synthetic Users Click IDs on Analytics Tools

Activating click IDs with Synthetic Users can significantly improve the performance of your campaigns on advertising platforms. However, ensuring data consistency and enabling comprehensive tracking requires sharing this information with your Analytics tools. To bridge this gap, we have introduced a feature that grants Analytics tools access to the Synthetic Users' click IDs.

This article will guide you through the steps to implement this functionality effectively by creating and configuring the available template variable (E.g., click ID for Analytics tools).

Create a New Variable

The first step is to create a new variable using the "Get Synthetic User Click ID (specify tool)" template:

  1. On your JENTIS Platform, go to the Server Tag Manager menu and click on Variables.

  2. Click on Add New Variable.

Add new variable.png
  1. Select the Server Side tab and choose the Get Synthetic User Click ID (specify tool) template to create the new variable

Configure the Click ID Input Field

  1. Once you select the template following the steps above, you’ll see an input field labeled Click-ID. In this field, you must enter the tool-specific URL parameter you want to retrieve as the Synthetic User Click ID.

Here are some common examples:

  • gclid (Google Ads/AdWords)

  • fbclid (Meta/Facebook)

By entering the appropriate URL parameter, the JENTIS SDK can retrieve and process the Synthetic User Click ID for the specified tool.

  1. Click on the Save button to confirm and store the newly created variable.

The variable is ready to be used in your configurations within the JENTIS Platform. Your setup for retrieving Synthetic User Click IDs is complete!

Activate the Information in a Tool

Vendor-Specific Configurations

While the outlined steps might be sufficient for many tools, it's important to note that each analytics tool may have its own unique configuration requirements. Please ensure you consult and follow the specific requirements and recommendations provided by the respective vendor to integrate Synthetic User Click IDs properly. This will help ensure accurate data tracking and seamless integration with their platform.

Identify the Tool's Integration Method

Determine how the tool expects to receive the information (e.g., via a query parameter, HTTP header, or body payload). Common integration methods include:

  • Query Parameters: Append the Synthetic User Click ID to the URL.

  • Custom Headers: Add the ID to the request headers.

  • Event Payloads: Include the ID in the body of the sent data.

Update the Tag Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Server Tag Manager menu in the JENTIS Platform and click on Tags. Locate the tag corresponding to the tool you want to activate (e.g., Google Ads, Meta, etc.).

  1. Open the tag configuration and do the following:

    • Add the variable created earlier (e.g., "Get Synthetic User Click ID (specify tool)") to the appropriate field based on the tool's requirements.

    • Ensure the Synthetic User Click ID variable is mapped correctly to the expected format or parameter (e.g., gclid for Google Ads or fbclid for Meta).

Test the Activation

  1. Use the Preview/Debug Mode in the JENTIS Platform to validate that the Synthetic User Click ID is being retrieved and sent correctly to the tool.

  2. Check the tool's interface (e.g., analytics reports or ad dashboards) to confirm the information is being received and processed as expected.

Deploy the Changes

Once the configuration is verified in preview/debug mode, publish the changes in the JENTIS Platform to make them live.

Monitor the data flow for a few days to ensure smooth integration.

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us through our Helpdesk.

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