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Pseudonymisation and Anonymisation

JENTIS offers privacy-enhancing features that allow website operators to safeguard user data before it is passed on to third-party systems. Key among these features are pseudonymization and anonymization, which enable the modification of personal data. Both pseudonymisation and anonymisation can be easily configured for each data parameter processed by the website operator in the JENTIS Tag Manager. JENTIS processes data strictly based on the configuration set by the website operator, ensuring that data management remains transparent and under full control of the Customer.


Pseudonymization function substitutes the input value with a randomly generated one that follows the same format. This transformation happens character by character, replacing each with another from the same Unicode category. This allows the data to remain functional for further use, while preventing direct identification of the user by a third party.


Similar to pseudonymization, anonymization replaces the input value with a randomly generated one. However, unlike pseudonymization, the anonymized value is regenerated with each instance, making it impossible to connect it to the same user or data point over time. No previous value is stored or reused, ensuring that the data remains completely untraceable.

By utilizing the pseudonymization and anonymization functions within the JENTIS Tag Manager, website operators can confidently process data in a way that is compliant with data protection laws while ensuring privacy of their users. These features offer flexible and secure methods to modify sensitive user data, balancing the need for data utility with the highest levels of privacy protection.

For any questions feel free to reach out to your direct contact at JENTIS or to the JENTIS Compliance & Legal Team via email at

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