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  1. What are you buying with JENTIS SaaS?

  2. Why do you need to accept JENTIS Terms & Conditions? 

  3. Why do you need the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with JENTIS?

  4. Why do you need to use JENTIS DPA instead of your own data processing agreement?

  5. How do you purchase the JENTIS Software?

1.What are you buying with JENTIS SaaS?

By purchasing the JENTIS SaaS you obtain the right to use all components of our cloud-based Software and to store and process your website data with the help of the JENTIS Tag Manager for your own purposes and along your preferences.  You can choose between various geographic hosting locations for JENTIS servers within or outside of the EU/EEC and you gain the technical capacity to configure the JENTIS Tag Manager in a compliant way. 

  1. Why do you need to accept JENTIS Terms & Conditions? 

As a multi-tenant, multi-user SaaS provider, JENTIS needs to apply uniform terms for all our Customers and cannot change our service levels and delivery methods on an individual basis. We have thoroughly designed the T&Cs in line with our policies and processes to provide for a fair and balanced relationship with our Customers, while reflecting an acceptable risk based on the underlying transaction.

For specific changes to payment options or website tracking volume, your JENTIS representative can discuss available options.

  1. Why do you need the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with JENTIS?

As a processor under GDPR, JENTIS is obliged to sign a DPA regulating our processing activities on behalf of the controller – our customers. 

  1. Why do you need to use JENTIS DPA instead of your own data processing agreement?

Our DPA reflects the specificities of our service and is thus optimally tailored to the scope and nature of data processing activities within the JENTIS Software. Nonetheless, it has been thoroughly designed in line with the recommendations of the European Data Protection Board to fully comply with the requirements of applicable data protection laws, including those of Article 28(3) of the GDPR. 

  1. How do you purchase the JENTIS Software?

Our sales team will guide you through the purchasing process from start to finish. Depending on your website traffic volume our customers fall under three different categories: Essential, Advanced and Enterprise:

If you are an Essential or Advanced Customer, you will receive an offer with a quote based on the number of sessions your monthly website traffic includes, together with our General Terms & Conditions and Data processing agreement, which you have to accept before the setup of the JENTIS software. Alternatively, you can purchase the Essential (Monthly or Yearly) JENTIS license online.

If you are an Enterprise Customer, we offer a Licensing Agreement with a Service Level Agreement to address your business specific needs and provide you with a multi-channel customer support. 

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