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How Do I Know Which GA4 Tool to Use?

JENTIS provides two Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tools tailored to different tracking needs. Here are the differences:

1. GA4 Full Server-Side

This is the primary GA4 tool in JENTIS. It focuses on:

  • Server-Side Tracking Only: Captures high-quality backend data, bypassing browser-level blockers or cookie restrictions.

  • Core Implementation: Ideal for businesses that value a fully server-side tracking solution as the foundation of their analytics setup.

2. GA4 Client-Side + Measurement Protocol

This tool reflects the original implementation approach provided by Google for GA4. It offers:

  • Hybrid Tracking: Combines client-side tracking with Measurement Protocol for enhanced flexibility.

  • Extended Compatibility: Aligns with Google’s official GA4 implementation methods, providing additional options for data collection.

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