DNS Record/Tracking Script status keeps stating "PENDING"
What is the Problem?

Customers often encounter confusion when setting up their DNS or Tracking Script in JENTIS, as they notice that the status in the menu remains as "PENDING." This confusion arises because they are unaware that the "PENDING" status is not an error but rather a feature designed to allow customers to control switch themselves.
What is the Solution?
Understanding the "PENDING" Status
The "PENDING" status in the menu does not indicate an error or issue with your DNS or Tracking Script setup. It is simply a switch that you can control to determine when the live-page implementation happened successfully. This switch can only be seen and used by users with the “ADMIN” privilege.
Accessing the Switch
Show customers how to access and manage the live-page link switch. They can do this in the following way:
Go to the "Settings" menu in JENTIS.
Click on "Containers" to view the list of containers.
Locate the container in the table view and look for the "PENDING" status.
To change the status of the live-page switch, you can simply toggle the switch to "ON" when you are finished with the implementation of DNS Record and tracking script.
The "PENDING" status in the menu after setting up DNS or a Tracking Script in JENTIS does not indicate an error or problem with the setup. Instead, it is a switch that you can control to manage the live-page link activation yourself. The "PENDING" status is a normal feature and not a cause for concern. With this understanding, you can confidently manage your containers and successfully use JENTIS's functionality to its fullest potential.