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Whenever data is to be streamed to a recipient the conditions play a crucial part in the process. Those conditions are defined in JENTIS Tag Manager via triggers. Within triggers you will access variables and check their value to decide whether to activate a tag or not.

Trigger Creation Process

In your JTM account navigate to the Server Tag Manager: Trigger to create new triggers or adjust conditions in existing triggers. The basics that you need to define are:

  • Name: This is the value that will appear in the selection in a Tag configuration, here you should use a descriptive name.

  • ID: This is a technical reference that can be used to reference a trigger explicitly as this ID is unique per JTM account.

  • Description: Feel free to give a Trigger a description to later better understand the motivation to handle certain conditions.

  • State: You can choose here between predefined states like the document is loaded (domload) or something is pushed into the datalayer (jts_submit). There is also the possibilty to choose a css-selector with an action (SELECTORACTION) like .button click

  • Exclude Trigger: These Trigger defines that if they trigger this trigger shouldn’t trigger. For example: a productview tag of google analytics includes also the pageview. In the case of a productview a pageview and a productview event will be send to the server. Therefore the pageview trigger needs the exclude triggers which excludes the productview, which leads than to unique events.

  • Conditions: Here you can actually select the parameters to check and how the value is validated. This is described in detail in the following part.


Conditions can be any complex logic of combined AND or OR statements, where parameters are checked with comparison operators to predefined values.

The input parameters for any condition to be checked are Variables that you created in your JTM account previously (or any system predefined existing variables).

Comparison operators are of the usual types: equal, lower, contains, regex match, etc.

A special comparison operator is “Exists” which will check if the variable or object is defined (not null or undefined state).

Use AND or OR statements to combine multiple condition checks.

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