Microsoft Ads - Bing UET
Microsoft Ads (also known as Bing Ads) is an advertising platform of the Microsoft Corporation. This services provide conversion and data tracking that can be enhanced with JENTIS. That supports features of client and server side data streams and script execution.
Official website: Microsoft Ads
JENTIS - Bing UET - Global Constants
UET Tag ID | The Universal Event Tracking Tag ID. This is shared with you in your Microsoft Ads account when a UET tag is created in your tools: conversion tracking section, ie. “543210”. |
JENTIS - Bing UET Tag Types
Currently JENTIS Tag Manager supports the following tags with Bing UET.
HYB: UET Pageload Event
Description | JENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies |
This tag will activate a pageLoad event data stream to Microsoft Ads Universal Event Tracking.
| This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS Bing UET implementation to work out of the box: _jts.push track:
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
HYB: UET Pagehide Event
Description | JENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies |
This tag will send a pageHide event data stream to Microsoft Ads Universal Event Tracking.
| This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS Bing UET implementation to work out of the box: _jts.push track:
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
HYB: UET Custom Remarketing Event
Description | JENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies |
Send remarketing events to Microsoft Ads Universal Event Tracking (e.g.: home, category, other, searchresults, product, cart, purchase). | This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
This tag is designed to work with many different elements, depending on your requirements to optimize remarketing activity. For this reason no default trigger and JENTIS Data Layer is defined.
S2S: UET Conversion
Description | JENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies |
Sends a custom conversion event for Microsoft Ads Universal Event Tracking (e.g.: order, registration, outbound link etc.). | This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS Bing UET implementation to work out of the box: _jts.push track:
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).