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Mapp - THE #1 INSIGHT-LED CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE PLATFORM - Don’t settle for average marketing results – use Mapp Cloud!

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JENTIS - MAPP - Global Constants

Track DomainSpecify the tracking domain name. Once your Mapp account is created, you will receive this information.
Track IDEnter your tracking ID. You find it in your Mapp Q3 account: Configuration > System Configuration > Data Collection.


Currently JENTIS Tag Manager supports the following tags with MAPP.

S2S (Twin-Server): Pageview

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies
Sending Pageview data for MappThis tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
  • no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:
_jts.push track:
  • pageview
  • submit
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function pageview() {
       "track" : "pageview"

        "track" : "submit"

S2S (Twin-Server): Productview

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies
Sending Productview data for MappThis tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
  • no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:
_jts.push track:
  • pageview
  • product 1-n
  • productview
  • submit 
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function productview() {
        "track" : "pageview"


        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "productview",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "quantity"  :   1,
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "brand"     :   "Brand Y",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "position"  :   1,
        "variant"   :   "type a"

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "productview",
        "id"        :   "2222222",
        "quantity"  :   1,
        "name"      :   "Product 2",
        "brutto"    :   200.00,
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "position"  :   1,
        "variant"   :   "type b"


        "track" : "productview"

        "track" : "submit"

S2S (Twin-Server): Add To Cart

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies
Sending an Add-To-Cart event/action data for MappThis tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
  • no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:
_jts.push track:
  • product
  • addtocart
  • submit 
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function addtocart() {

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "addtocart",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "quantity"  :   2,
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "position"  :   1,
        "variant"   :   "type a"


        "track" : "addtocart"
    }, true);
    //true parameter ->
    //In this case it is identical with _jts.push({"track":"submit"})

S2S (Twin-Server): Order

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies
Sending Order data for MappThis tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
  • gtag.js library internal cookies can be set (this tag executes original source code from the third party, which gives this third party permission to access and store data on the users device)

The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:
_jts.push track:
  • pageview
  • product 1-n
  • order
  • submit 
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function checkout() {
        "track" : "pageview"

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "order",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "netto"     :   70.10,
        "variant"   : "type a",
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "quantity"  :   3,
        "position"  :   1

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "order",
        "id"        :   "2222222",
        "name"      :   "Product 2",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brutto"    :   150.00,
        "netto"     :   110.10,
        "variant"   :   "type b",
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "quantity"  :   1,
        "position"  :   2


        "track"     :   "order",
        "orderid"   :   "abcdef123456",
        "brutto"    :   450.00,
        "shipping"  :   20.00,
        "tax"       :   40.00,
        "affiliation":  "JENTIS",        
        "vouchers"  :   [
                "code":     "abc123",
                "value":    10.15
                "code":     "def456",
                "value":    15.80

        "track" : "submit"

S2S (Twin-Server): Action / Event

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Default Dependencies
Sending Action/Event data for MappThis tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):
  • no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag
The following JENTIS Data Layer _jts push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:
_jts.push track:
  • event
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
    "track"         :    "event",
    "group"         :    "E-Commerce",
    "name"          :    "Product-Impression",
    "value"         :    "0023775322",
    "numvalue"      :    299,
    "noninteraction":    true

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