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JENTIS CMP Connectors

JENTIS provides convenient and super easy-to-use native connectors to all common Consent Management Providers (CMP).

Selection of some already available connectors, as the list is constantly growing:

  • OneTrust
  • CookieBot
  • Usercentrics
  • Borlabs Cookies (Wordpress)
  • Datareporter
  • Truendo
  • CookieFirst
  • Consentmanager
  • iubenda
  • Commanders Act (trustcommander)
  • Sourcepoint
  • Clickskeks
  • CCM19
  • Didomi
  • DC-Shopsystem
  • Shopware Cookie Consent Manager

Though this feature is made to be convenient to you, as a JENTIS user, it also requires an understanding of some basic concepts.

JENTIS CMP Connection - How it works

With a third party CMP provider JENTIS creates a native communication stream in the background. That connection is managed, developed and maintained by JENTIS. So you can be sure your tracking always aligns with your CMP.

This native communications means that all explicit consent information (updates of consent by the user as it appears) and existing consent information (former consent information that is now stored and persisted to be applied accordingly) is respected correctly.

How that works exactly is that JENTIS connects to available APIs from a CMP (event listeners, cookies, local storages, etc. that are documented by the provider). Using this APIs the information is then synchronized to be put into use in JENTIS Tag Manager, for both types of consent information (explicit updates and existing consent).

Consent ID

Picking up and synchronizing consent information can be tricky, to dive more deeply into how exactly a consent information is applied  in JENTIS Tag Manager one more crucial concept must be discussed: Consent ID.

With each consent information that will apply a Consent ID is created that stores the moment (time) a consent was given, a unique identifier (to make this exact consent information retraceable) and what the consent information was (true/false situation per category or tool/vendor).

This is very important for the legal and compliance situation of consent. As this makes it possible to retrieve for each user consent informations on a data disclosure request.

Additionally that means that consent in JENTIS is stored parallel (redundant) to your CMP.

In some hypothetically possible (but very unlikely) scenarios the consent information in JENTIS and your CMP can deviate.

Scenario DescriptionJENTIS Consent IDCMP (External Provider)
New User:
  1. A user visits your website for the first time (no existing consent)
  2. User interacts with CMP banner (explicit consent)
    1.  Consent (accepted)
    2.  Consent denied

JENTIS and CMP consent information is in sync

  1. NEW Consent ID created - Status of consent: FALSE (default)
  2. Consent ID updated
    1. Status of Consent: TRUE
    2. Status of Consent: FALSE
  1. Status of consent: FALSE (default)
  2. Consent updated
    1. Status of Consent: TRUE
    2. Status of Consent: FALSE
Existing User:
  1. A user visits your website before JENTIS was installed
  2. A user visits your website again with JENTIS now installed

JENTIS and CMP consent information is in sync
(however, the consent ID will have a timestamp of the first visit where JENTIS was installed; that might differ from the time in your CMP)

  1. No information (as JENTIS is not implemented yet)
  2. NEW Consent ID created - Status of Consent applied as is
  1. Explicit consent information is stored
  2. Storage contains the information (existing consent information)
Edge Case:

  1. A user visits your website for the first time (no existing consent)
  2. User interacts with CMP banner (explicit consent) and provides consent
  3. User actively or passively deletes CMP cookies/storages 
  4. User visits another page and CMP is presented again to the user
  5. User interacts with CMP banner (explicit consent)

⚠️ JENTIS and CMP consent information is out of sync on 4. step, as the storage of JENTIS was not reset when the CMP storage was deleted/reset (ie. because of a browser tracking prevention, a browser do-not-track add-on or simply because of an error).

  1. NEW Consent ID created - Status of consent: FALSE (default)
  2. Consent ID updated accordingly (TRUE/FALSE)
  3. -
  4. Consent ID remains (TRUE/FALSE)
  5. Consent ID updated accordingly (TRUE/FALSE)
  1. Status of consent: FALSE (default)
  2. Consent updated accordingly (TRUE/FALSE)
  3. Status of consent: FALSE (default)
  4. Consent updated accordingly (TRUE/FALSE)

This example of an edge displays how the Consent ID system works. It is another layer where consent information is persisted, and can be sometimes more reliable than the information in the CMP.

Data and Consent Correctness 
This edge case does not mean that the data in JENTIS is incorrect but quite the opposite. As there is a consent-id that uniquely displays when an explicit consent was received and that it is still valid (as the deletion of cookies is not an explicit denial of consent but a technical measure or malfunction). If the CMPs data was compromised (deletion of cookies) but the data of JENTIS is still intact, than all information in perspective of JENTIS as a tag management software is still correctly applied.

How to establish a connection

To use a CMP connection you must simply connect two elements:

  • which JTM container intends to use which CMP connection
  • which tool/vendor is mapped to which category or unique identifier in a CMPs API

Let's have look how to get this done in JTM.

Container CMP Connection

The first step is to navigate to the "Legal Hub: Consentbars" section. Here you can see a list of possible options to connect to a third party CMP.

In each of that elements edit screen you can now select a JENTIS Tag Manager Container to connect the CMP and a single JENTIS container.

You must select a CMP and in the edit screen select the appropriate container in your account. This establishes the connection for consent information on the according website.

This step is mandatory to activate tracking in a JENTIS Tag Manager Container. Either the consent engine must be completely turned off (compromising all elements of the JENTIS consent integration) or a CMP connection must be stablished for data to be processed with your JENTIS Data Capturing Platform.

Vendor and Tool Mapping

The mapping of consent is a 1:1 connection on the level of tools or categories. For some CMPs and use cases the consent is mapped based on a category, for others it may be based on each individual tool. Both is possible with JENTIS.

Connecting a tool based on a category means that a JENTIS tools category (group of tools) is mapped to a category of tools in the CMP.

Hint: the tools advanced settings you can select the vendor of that tool:

Further on some CMP connections the mapping is on a tool-level.

Here you will have to map a vendor in JENTIS to a vendor-id in the CMP. Also, if a specific category for that tool is applicable you can chose it in that screen:

Accessing the individual ID of a tool in a CMP can be tricky. Not all CMPs provide public documentation on their tool identifiers. By default the mapping applies to the mapping JENTIS identified, as in most cases those IDs are static.

If in doubt, please get in touch with JENTIS customer support!

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