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ECONDA - Description

The ultimate customer experience with data analytics & personalization. We’ll help you predict what your customers want with data analytics. Together, we will create the best customer experience through a personalized approach. With data protection made in Germany, we will push your business to the next level and keep it there – no matter the industry.

Global Tool Constants

The following constant variables are available to be defined when a INFOnline Measurement tool instance is created. Providing a convenient tool-level configuration to all tags of that tool instance in your account.

Site ID*Site ID is associated with your website. For different websites use different Site IDs. E.g.:
Client Key*Client key given by econda. E.g.: 00000001-564a9592-7c6c-4f6a-808c-b98bccc44ad6.
Country ID*The Country ID allows you to differentiate your website for different countries. Defining the country, which for the website is designated to as a 2 digit country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). E.g.: DE.
Site Language*Use the language ID to transmit the language of the displayed page. Defining the website's language as 2 letter (ISO 639-1) code. E.g.: de.

*) indicates mandatory parameter

ECONDA Measurement Tag Templates

A tag template provides a predefined setting of properties that also can be customized to hold dynamic variables or static values. Each tag template caters to a certain use case, ie. track a page view, event or ecommerce purchase.
Further a tag template sets the execution stage for the tag: client, server or in hybrid mode. More details on those options: JENTIS Client-, Server- and Hybrid-Tag modes.

S2S: Pageview - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
The recording of all page views (onsite and app) enables maximum flexibility in the evaluation of the data. The entire journey is captured and available in the raw data in econda.
This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):

- no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag.

The following JENTIS Data Layer push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:

- jts.push track: pageview
- submit
Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function pageview() {
        "track" : "pageview"
        "track" : "submit"

S2S: Productview - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
Product is viewed on product detail page.
This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):

- no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag.

The following JENTIS Data Layer push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:

_jts.push track: pageview

- product 1

- product …n

- productview

- submit

Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function productview() {
        "track" : "pageview"

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "productview",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "quantity"  :   1,
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "brand"     :   "Brand Y",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "position"  :   1,
        "variant"   :   "type a"
        "track" : "productview"

        "track" : "submit"

S2S: Add-to-Cart - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
Product is added to the cart.
This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):

- no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag.

The following JENTIS Data Layer push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:

_jts.push track: pageview

- product 1

- addtocart

- true | submit

Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function addtocart() {

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "addtocart",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "quantity"  :   2,
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "position"  :   1,
        "variant"   :   "type a"

        "track" : "addtocart"
    }, true);  
    //true parameter -> 
    //In this case it is identical with _jts.push({"track":"submit"})

S2S: Order - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
Purchase has been made. Transfer on the order confirmation page (“Thank you for your purchase...”). Thus, the previously filled shopping cart is considered purchased and the ordered products and details of the customer are transferred. The shopping cart with all purchased products and the customer information are are passed separately by an array.
This tag will create the following data storages (cookies, local or session client side browser storages):

- no data is explicitly stored or read on a users device (client side) specifically with this tag.

The following JENTIS Data Layer push track calls are required for the default JENTIS implementation to work out of the box:

_jts.push track: pageview

- product 1

- product ...n

- order

- submit

Code example (do not execute or copy paste; for reference only).
function checkout() {
        "track" : "pageview"

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "order",
        "id"        :   "1111111",
        "name"      :   "Product 1",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brutto"    :   100.00,
        "netto"     :   70.10,
        "variant"   : "type a",
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "quantity"  :   3,
        "position"  :   1

        "track"     :   "product",
        "type"      :   "order",
        "id"        :   "2222222",
        "name"      :   "Product 2",
        "group"     :   ["group1","group2"],
        "brutto"    :   150.00,
        "netto"     :   110.10,
        "variant"   :   "type b",
        "brand"     :   "Brand X",
        "quantity"  :   1,
        "position"  :   2


        "track"     :   "order",
        "orderid"   :   "abcdef123456",
        "brutto"    :   450.00,
        "shipping"  :   20.00,
        "tax"       :   40.00,
        "affiliation":  "JENTIS",        
        "vouchers"  :   [
                "code":     "abc123",
                "value":    10.15
                "code":     "def456",
                "value":    15.80

        "track" : "submit"

S2S: User Login - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
Event for user login.
There are no default dependencies defined for this tag that are required with the JENTIS data layer. Please use a custom trigger and state or default triggers from JENTIS that match your requirements.

S2S: User Registration - Server-side

DescriptionJENTIS Data Layer - Dependencies
Event for a user registration.
There are no default dependencies defined for this tag that are required with the JENTIS data layer. Please use a custom trigger and state or default triggers from JENTIS that match your requirements.
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